A Negotiable Utopia: The Humboldt Bay Project is an interdisciplinary video and essay project that interprets the built environment of Humboldt Bay—California's second largest estuary. This non-narrative observational documentary video (one of six in the project) examines the natural and anthropogenic watersheds of Humboldt Bay, documenting the region's distinctive water infrastructure, as well as indexing water quality issues unique to an agricultural, postindustrial, and natural resource-based economy. Water, © 2014, single-channel color video, running time: 8.5 minutes. Read the video's accompanying essay here.
Installation views of Water (with accompanying essay) during the exhibition A Negotiable Utopia: The Humboldt Bay Project at Humboldt State University's First Street Gallery, Eureka, CA, September 30 to November 2, 2014.