Favorite organizations:
The Center for Land Use Interpretation
Places Journal
The Graham Foundation
INSITE Art Practices in the Public Sphere
The MexiCali Biennial
Headlands Center for the Arts
The Gunk Foundation

More about Cynthia's work:
INSITE Journal 07: A Timeless Way to Build (Fall 2024)
The Mexicali Experimental Project (November 9, 2024 - February 15, 2025)
Review of the MexiCali Biennial The Calexico Chronicle (October 31, 2023)
Pulled Apart: A Conversation with Artist Cynthia Hooper and USF Engineer Lou Sassoubre: University of San Francisco
Pulled Apart Exhibition Catalog: (Thacher Gallery, University of San Francisco)
Tree Talk: Artists Speak for the Trees: Ecoartspace and the Joshua Tree Center for the Photographic Arts
Re-engineering and Re-purposing Human Civilization: Laser Lecture Series, Stanford University
Anadromous Architectures: Faculty Exhibition Lecture, College of the Redwoods
The Land Where Birds Are Grown (Places Journal)
Bit Torrent: The Work of Cynthia Hooper (review in Art Practical)
Cultivated Ecologies Exhibition Catalog: (Humboldt State University)
Cynthia Hooper: The Poetics of Infrastructure (The New Explorers by Kris Timken)
Letting Environmental Images Speak for Themselves is No Longer Enough (Review by Tim Maughan in New Scientist)
A Negotiable Utopia: The Humboldt Bay Project
bloomresearch.org (Consilience: Artist Presentation Initiative)
KHSU Radio Interview with Wendy Butler (May 12, 2015)
Humedales Artificiales: Three Transnational Wetlands
Dual Citizenship and Border Patrol: Picturing Tijuana's Contested, Transnational Water (Water, CA Project)
EcoArchive: Meditations on Time and Nature (review in Art Practical)
Expert Framer of Views Presents Her Work (CLUI Independent Interpreter)
2011 Interview at the Headlands Center for the Arts
The Art of Effecting Change: Travels in Los Angeles (Part 1) (MoMA/P.S.1 Blog)
The Political Landscape (Exhibition Catalog)
CLUI Wendover Residency
The Balloon Track Project (The Northcoast Journal)
cindyhooper.blogspot.com (Cynthia's Blog)