In 2016-2017, Hupa artist Brittany Britton and I designed and curated a permanent exhibition of the Alice Spinas/Redwoods Collection of Native American Basketry, comprised of 212 objects of basketry, regalia, and utilitarian objects from the Yurok, Karuk, Hupa, and Wiyot tribes of Northwestern California. College of the Redwoods purchased this collection in 1978 from local educator Alice Spinas in order to promote coursework and research in Native American culture, and the collection remains an important resource for students and the local community to study the art, history, and culture of this region's indigenous people. Many of the most celebrated women weavers of the twentieth century are represented in this collection, including Ella Johnson (Yurok), Nettie McKinnon (Yurok), Nettie Ruben (Karuk), Amy Smoker (Yurok), Louise Hickox (Wiyot/Karuk), Queen James (Yurok), Minnie Frank (Yurok), and Florence Harrie (Karuk), as well as scores of other weavers whose names can no longer be attributed. The exhibition is currently on display on the second floor of the Administration building at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, CA.
(click to enlarge the images and read the exhibition didactics)
All images and text © 2024: Cynthia Hooper / College of the Redwoods