Cynthia Hooper|Home|Interdisciplinary Projects|The Landfill Interpretive Transect (2001-2002)

I worked with the Center for Land Use Interpretation (at the invitation of RIOS Architects of Los Angeles) to design an interpretive tourist trail that winds through Staten Island's Fresh Kills Landfill and explores its varied infrastructure and dynamic internal processes. This Interpretive Transect features such highlights as gas, fluid, and temperature monitoring stations, along with an internal landfill viewing tunnel—where visitors can descend into the depths to view layers of trash through special viewing windows. This project was a part of the City of New York's international landscape design competition Fresh Kills: Landfill to Landscape, a competition devoted to redesigning and eventually reclaiming the world's largest landfill. Learn more about the project here.

(Click the images to enlarge and read the text)

Front Cover


Visitor Center

Vista Point

Gas Discharge

Leachate Discharge

Differential Settlement

Temperature Monitoring

Tunnel of Trash (Exterior)

Tunnel of Trash (Interior)

Additional Points of Interest



Link to the Center for Land Use Interpretation